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Current Weather Data

All Data are Provisional!
All water and structure information and data on UAWCD's web site are provisional and unverified.
Please read this important notice.
For information about each station, click on the station name.
Weather Station Station ID Temp Wind Direction Wind Speed Max Wind Speed Relative Humidity Barometric Pressure Rainfall last hour
°F (MPH) (MPH) % (mb) (inches)
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Last 24 Hours

Weather Station Station ID Avg. Temp Min. Temp Max. Temp Avg. Wind Direction Avg. Wind Speed Max Wind Speed Avg. Relative Humidity Min. Relative Humidity Max. Relative Humidity Barometric Pressure Rainfall
°F °F °F (MPH) (MPH) % % % (mb) (inches)
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Totals for Currrent Month

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Weather StationStation ID Avg. Temp Min. Temp Max. Temp Avg. Wind Speed Max Wind Speed Rainfall
°F °F °F (MPH) (MPH) (inches)
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Historical Daily Data

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End of Day Weather Station Data
Weather StationStation ID Avg. Temp Min. Temp Max. Temp Avg. Wind Direction Avg. Wind Speed Max. Wind Speed Avg. Relative Humidity Barometric Pressure Rainfall
°F °F °F (MPH) (MPH) % (mb) (inches)
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